8 ways to overcome potbelly

 8 ways to overcome potbelly

potbelly certainly very disturbing your confidence. In addition potbelly reflect your lifestyle is unhealthy. For it could not hurt to do eight ways to make a flat belly of Lovisa Nilsson nutrisonis in Lifesum and Shauna Nutricentre Wilkinson of the following:

1. Eat five times a day
Nilssond an Wikilson nutritionists recommend for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and eat before lunch, as well as snacks for the evening to get a flat stomach look.

2. Snacking celery
Celery has a high water content making it suitable for diets. These vegetables other than suitable to be eaten immediately also suitable for cooking and juicing.

3. Eat less food bergas
Foods like nuts, and plant roots can cause bloating and a waste of wind.

4. Always chew food properly
Be sure to chew food well until completely blended. Not only facilitate the digestive system, chew well also make a person to enjoy the food, thereby reducing overeating.

5. Avoid fizzy drinks, even a special diet
Carbonated drinks cause the gas continue to be in the stomach, causing bloating. Instead of drinking soda, better drink water with lemon, cucumber or mint tea.

6. Do not chew gum
Chewing gum causes gas, bloating, and also stimulate the enzymes that cause rapid hungry.

7. Limit consumption of salt
Do not add extra salt to the diet because it will increase the amount of water in the body.

8. Avoid artificial sweeteners

Consuming too much artificial sweetener gives bad effects to the body, including a distended abdomen.

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